The article reports that Navarro County resident Joe Hazewski attended the Navarro County Commissioners meeting last week to ask why Navarro County was paying money to belong to the Texas Association of Counties:
Speaking during the public comment section of the Navarro County Commissioners court meeting, Kerens resident Joe Hazewski, who is a regular contributing columnist to the Daily Sun, claimed that the organization is funding the activities of 22 lobbyists, at a cost estimated at $560,000 annually. Hazewski said doing so with public money is illegal. Hazewski said he obtained his figures from the Texas Ethics Commission.
“I want the county to take it up with TAC — they will not respond to private citizens,” Hazewski told commissioners.
Hazewski said Williamson County District Judge Ken Anderson ruled against TAC’s lobbyist efforts in January, calling it illegal and instructing Williamson County not to pay any dues into TAC as long as they continued. Hazewski was unsure if the ruling was only effective in Williamson County, or was meant to apply statewide. “They’re costing us a lot of money, and not always in our best interest,” Hazewski said.
Great job, Joe.
If anyone else out there decides to attend your county commissioner's meeting to ask similar questions, please let me know.